The second season of the anime, which is an adaptation of the fantasy novel of the same name. In the story, humanity survives in a world destroyed by a brutal war. The war has brought a dangerous infection into the world – now all people who approach fire instantly burst into flames and begin to burn.
Necessary for life and safe heat is contained in the bodies of black monsters that live in the local forests. The monsters are captured by specially trained hunters. When a young girl named Toko is attacked by a dark monster, she is saved by one of the hunters – but he loses his own life.
What other anime series will be released in 2024
“Welcome to the Class of Excellence” (Season Three)
“The Witch and the Beast”
“Becoming a Sorceress”
“Love at Your Fingertips.”
“Camp Outdoors” (Season Three)
“Inconvenient Aliens.”
“♪ About my rebirth into slime ♪
“Magic and Muscle” (Season Two)
“Chainsaw Man” (Season Two)
“Reincarnation of the Unemployed: A Tale of Adventure in Another World” (Season Two)